Climate change is a global issue that requires the involvement of all of us. In order to preserve our planet, we must act as individuals, but it is even more significant that countries, as leading pillars, guide, encourage, and inspire us to do more.
However, not all countries face the same responsibility regarding the climate crisis.
Last week, we published an article about leading countries in the fight against climate change, and now we want to focus on states that need to do better. Way better!
The most polluting countries seem to be aware they must reduce their emissions, but these carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise despite agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol. A high level of global pollution is a product of all the world’s countries, but five impacted the environment more than the rest.
With more than 10,065 million tons of CO2 released, China is responsible for almost 30 percent of carbon emissions, and its industry represents probably the biggest threat to the future of our planet. For example, in only five provinces, more dioxide is emitted than in any other country in the world. On the bright side, authorities in China are aware of their position. According to the latest plans, China’s targets are to bring wind and solar capacity to 1,200 gigawatts by the end of the decade, build more hydropower and nuclear plants, and develop natural gas resources.
China will also ensure that energy-intensive industrial sectors such as steel, non-ferrous metals, and building materials improve energy efficiency and recycling rates. Also, it is in a plan to make full use of new technologies to bring their emissions decrease to a peak.
The United States is responsible for 15 percent of global pollution. It is worrying that a
significant amount of carbon emissions are not just attached to the big cities – rural areas are also beginning to notice the consequences.
In recent times there have been a lot of important initiatives to combat climate change, but the majority of them have not been sufficient.
America’s 2030 target picks up the pace of emissions reductions in the United States, compared to historical levels, while supporting President Biden’s existing goals to create a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035 and net-zero emissions economy by no later than 2050.
There are multiple paths to reach these goals. The U.S. federal, state, local, and tribal
governments have many tools available to work with civil society and the private sector to
mobilize investment to meet these goals while supporting a strong economy.
India is responsible for seven percent of global pollution. Fourteen out of the world’s 15 most polluted cities are in India, says the World Health Organization. The country has had a law protecting air quality since 1981, but the burning of fossil fuels has grown significantly.
Consequently, India occupies third place in the ranking of the most polluting countries.
New targets are – India will get its non-fossil energy capacity to 500 gigawatts (GW) by 2030.
India will meet 50 percent of its energy requirements from renewable energy by 2030. India will reduce the total projected carbon emissions by one billion tonnes from now to 2030.
Russia shares five percent of global pollution as a dependence product on products such as oil, coal, gas, and fossil fuels. Furthermore, it has experienced several environmental emergencies and has high deforestation and animal hunting levels.
To reach carbon neutrality by 2060, Russia plans to reduce its oil and coal industries while
doubling down on natural gas. But its sprawling network of pipelines leaks methane, the chief component of natural gas and the second-most-abundant greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide.
A high level of urban development and industry that seems to care little for nature made Japan, the biggest consumer of fossil fuels globally and the fifth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases.
There are some promises that the situation will change. Optimistic predictions say that Japan will strive by 2030 to cut its emissions by 46% from 2013 levels, up from its earlier goal of 26%, to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, a target he announced in October. He said Japan would further try to push the reduction as high as 50%.
The last report of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) pointed out that in the previous year recorded (2020), the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere broke another record, despite a drop in fossil fuel emissions during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Specifically, the concentration reached 413 parts per million (ppm) in 2020, 149% more than pre-industrial levels (before 1750).
We must hope that situation will change in the years to come