
Sustainable Development Goals

SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals are part of a framework established in 2015 in the UN, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with bullet points aiming to foster peace and prosperity for the surrounding environment, people, and governments. Those goals are well known to envisage equal opportunities for everyone claiming the necessity to establish standards for a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. There are 17 primary areas of focus within this package of goals that promote socio-economic development standards within the ecosystem’s boundaries and environmental norms. You can find the complete list of those goals and specific breakdowns into subgoals on the official website, clicking on the following link:

Those goals aim to foster action in the following areas of critical importance:


One of the main objectives of the framework is to end poverty and hunger, aiming to ensure that globally everyone has access to nutritional basics, which serve as a base to gaining the possibility to fulfill their potential. 


The framework aims to actively promote sustainable consumption production standards, as well as sustainable resource management practices to avoid potential environmental degradation scenarios that can occur along with business as usual. The primary objective is to sustain economic growth within the ecosystem’s boundaries.


The agenda intends to promote values that lead to prosperous and fulfilling lives for each individual around the globe, elaborating on possible economic, social, and technological developments that are in harmony with nature. 


Fostering peaceful, inclusive, and just societies far from violent concerns stand along with the prime ambitions. Peace is stated to be a mechanism that enables sustainable development.


Strengthening global solidarity and global partnerships that are in line with sustainability standards are among the top priorities of the development goals. Building more substantial synergies can maximise utility from worldwide collaboration and create an environment for adequate knowledge and practice sharing.

Given the main focus areas, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Goals try to approach global problems from different angles and dimensions to address them fully and coherently.

Essentially, staying within planetary boundaries translates into deploying carbon-neutral technologies and reducing our emissions in all key focus areas. That would mean reframing the way we make things and consume them. The SDGs are tools to enable this massive transition, giving a pathway for societies and cooperations to follow to develop and grow further without undermining our natural environment.


UNESCO. (2021). Sustainable Development. Retrieved from

United Nations (n.d). The 17 Goals. Department of Economic and Social Affairs – Sustainable Development. Retrieved from:
